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Photo courtesy of Sharon Aston Photography

Cornish company launching new app on

National Stress Day to help reduce stress and anxiety



Press contact:

Lyssa-Fêe Crump 

07929 074976


According to Health & Safety Executive, 57% of all working days lost to ill health are due to stress and anxiety. Stress is the body’s reaction to being under pressure, and although some can help us become more effective, too much has a negative impact on mental and physical wellbeing. That is why National Stress Awareness Day is important as it helps raise awareness about this issue and encourages people to take more time to look after their bodies and minds.


Everyone feels stressed at times, but there are plenty of things you can do to help with this reaction and burnout. However, at times it can be hard to know what to do and when! That’s why HealthPad is launching a new app that aims to help improve your health and wellbeing. The exercises on the app are designed to be easily included within your working day to help you maintain focus, energy and motivation. 

HealthPad is jargon-free and has clear positive instructions to help you immediately utilise the techniques demonstrated. 


The three founders of Healthpad have personal experience of supporting families and friends through health challenges. Judith Hasell says “ in addition to this, my professional experience in working therapeutically with stress and trauma has informed the way that we created the content of this app”.


Jo Ramsden says “We seem to have stopped listening to our bodies in recent times and we simply want to help you understand your own body and mind better so you can live a content, happy, disease-free life. Have an open mind, give the exercises and tools a go – follow the techniques and notice how different you feel.”  

Rather than attempt to reduce stress-related symptoms once they have become established, the HealthPad team feel that the focus should be on helping people identify triggers before they start to cause problems. The app shows you positive ways to assess and manage these issues.  

Last year, HealthPad successfully raised £12,920 on Crowdfunder which has funded the development of phase one of their app, and they already have plans for further updates that will be released in the near future. 

HealthPad is also available to businesses looking to provide additional support for their employees. The app can even be reskinned into your company branding so it fits seamlessly with the rest of your internal communications. By using HealthPad businesses can expect to see a reduction in sick days, improved organisation, and more consistency in performance and productivity. 


We were featured in the
September 2023 issue of Tavy Links

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